Sunday, June 20, 2010


I had this dream quite awhile ago, but did not have time to actually record the amazingness that it included. I was in a commune; it was the end of the world. We all wore pioneer dresses, the streets were made of dirt, and our houses were all trailers. I had a child, a very small baby that I named Miles. Why? because of the miles and miles that I had run while pregnant with him. That made it seem more real to me, because I, at the time, was training for a marathon. The baby was constantly crying and I had to get to church! I finally got there, and the only seat on the rough wood pews in a dirt-floored tent room was in the middle of a row. I climbed over people to get there, and realized upon sitting down that Miles had dirtied his outfit. So... I had to go back to my trailer to change him. Good thing we were in a commune and the distance to my trailer was not very far. I changed him and brought him back. That's all I remember, but upon waking, I was extremely paranoid that I was pregnant. The dream seemed so real... other than the fact that I would never name a child Miles.