Next, I was at Chili's (or another restaurant like it). My boyfriend Austin Brown was there, and we were having dinner with my swimming friends. We had not seen each other for a long time. The waitresses were not wearing very much clothing (which was weird in a family restaurant) and made me slightly uncomfortable. We were having a grand time, and everyone received their food but me. Oh wait, I had my food too, but the waitress had dumped it all over my chair and onto the floor. So, I was waiting for an intact plate of food to come. Everyone else enjoyed their meal, and the waiter that was working surprised us by bringing us each a huge pie to eat for dessert... EACH person got a pie. He handed me one, and I thought it was mincemeat pie (I'm not a fan). So, I gave mine away to someone else, who was devouring it and leaving the crumbs and bit of filling all over me. I tasted some of the filling, and it wasn't mincemeat, it was berry- my favorite type of pie! Then I was really mad I passed up this opportunity to eat amazing pie for free. By this time, I'm so fed up with everything that I just eat the portion of my meal the waitress spilled (fried shrimp and french fries) that was not on the ground, and by this time they were cold. I'm not even sure why I was eating those things, because I don't particularly like fried food at all... but anyway, I ate this disgusting meal and was not feeling very good when Austin told me that I needed to take him home because we needed to give a ride to his roommates. So, we leave the restaurant.
In my dream, the restaurant was in Paso Robles, which is about 15 minutes away from my hometown, Atascadero. About half way to Austin's house (which was also in Atascadero), I looked over and asked him if he had paid for the meal we had just ate. He said that he had forgotten his wallet at home, and that's one reason why we had to go home... along with giving a ride to his roommates. So, we get to his house, and random people start getting into the car... A LOT of them. I got out of the car to go inside with Austin, still kind of angry that he left the restaurant without paying, and didn't even tell me. I would have gladly paid... but he never communicated that to me. Anyway, as we come back out, I see someone in the driver's seat... in MY car. There is also someone in the passenger seat... and 5 people in the back. The idiot in the driver's seat takes the emergency brake off, and the car starts rolling backwards rather quickly (because of all the weight in the back). I manage to pull the brake, kick the "driver" out of my seat, and kick the person in the passenger seat out to make room for Austin. These two unfortunate souls were trying to squeeze into the back of my car with the 5 people that were already there. *NOTE* my car is a VW Jetta, so it does not have the most spacious back seat. So, as I am turning around, I am furious that all these people are in my car without my permission. I was ok with driving 3 people somewhere, but this was way too many, and the fines for not having seatbelts in California are fairly steep. Then, the people in the back start taunting me and talking back to me. I'm not sure exactly what they said... but it was something about a sheep. I think it was either, "A sheep could drive better than you" or "You're going to run over a sheep". Either way, does not make much sense. One thing that I do remember is we were taking Austin's roommates to a family history center, so it was definitely something that I should have been happy about. This was on the way back to the restaurant, so we were going to drop them off and then go pay the bill that we had not paid yet.... and that was the end.

Yay family history! Boo...almost everything else. I'm so happy you are keeping track of these so I can still hear them from miles away!