Friday, December 24, 2010

Hospital Visit

This dream had many different parts, but I only remember a few. In one section, I was pregnant, but not showing too much. For some reason, however, I was in the hospital and going into labor. As I was getting set up in a room, I realized that I should NOT be in the hospital at this time. I was only about 4 months along, and I didn't even know what a contraction felt like. I knew that only at a certain frequency of contractions does a pregnant woman go to the hospital to deliver. I don't remember my husband, Austin being there or it even being his child? Anyway... let's skip ahead to an epic battle. The forces of evil were climbing a mountain, and my side (of course the good side) was trying to fend them off. The leader of the evil ones was a tiny woman, dressed in all black. I was standing next to the commander of the forces of good. She ran up the mountain towards us. We were about to kill her, when she took off a ring she was wearing and said something to the effect that she used to be one of us. She showed me the ring, and it was an exact replica of my wedding ring, except with a darker metal instead of white gold. I was shocked, took her hand, and killed my commander. Then I woke up. I guess I picked evil over good last night. Dang it.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rogue Clarinet Player in Brasil?

Last night, I had a dream that I was in Brazil. This might have been triggered by my writing to my brother a few hours earlier, who is in Rio right now on a mission. At any rate, I was sight-seeing, tubing down rivers, and training for a triathlon, but the main purpose of us being there was to perform as a symphonic band. I was in band all through Elementary school, junior high, and high school, and even played for the University Band (non audition) at BYU. In real life, I play alto saxophone. In this dream, I played clarinet. I was on public transportation, and I really wanted to go find my brother. Needless to say i didn't, but I did something to piss off the grand director of the thing. I turned into a little boy at this point, and Brazil turned into CA, but I was on the run and I knew if this director or his minions found me I was dead. One of the counselors for the trip had helped me escape in the past, but they ambushed us at his house and I had to RUN for it. First, I tried to find a good hiding place. That was a lot harder than I thought, so I just starting running out the back of the house on a dirt road. It was very very muddy out there. There were a bunch of fellow band members on my side who were trying to help me escape by attacking the bad guys. There was nothing to hide behind, so I just had to hit the ground as much as possible so they wouldn't see me. When I woke up, I had just been discovered lying face down in the mud by one of the director's minions. That is all

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I had this dream quite awhile ago, but did not have time to actually record the amazingness that it included. I was in a commune; it was the end of the world. We all wore pioneer dresses, the streets were made of dirt, and our houses were all trailers. I had a child, a very small baby that I named Miles. Why? because of the miles and miles that I had run while pregnant with him. That made it seem more real to me, because I, at the time, was training for a marathon. The baby was constantly crying and I had to get to church! I finally got there, and the only seat on the rough wood pews in a dirt-floored tent room was in the middle of a row. I climbed over people to get there, and realized upon sitting down that Miles had dirtied his outfit. So... I had to go back to my trailer to change him. Good thing we were in a commune and the distance to my trailer was not very far. I changed him and brought him back. That's all I remember, but upon waking, I was extremely paranoid that I was pregnant. The dream seemed so real... other than the fact that I would never name a child Miles.